Information and analytical services
Patent search
You have an idea to create a new device or technology or to improve the existing ones - how to check that your idea is unique?
You are working on solving a technical problem - hasn't someone else solved this problem before you, and you are wasting time trying to "reinvent the wheel"?
How do you convince investors or business partners that your project for developing an industrial facility is worth their investment, that it is new and industrially applicable?
How do you find analogues of your invention to solve the problem of its patentability?
Patent research or patent search will help you answer these questions. It requires specific qualifications and access to information sources, including the patent collections of the former USSR, Ukraine and patent databases of other countries.
The specialists of the CSTEI have almost half a century of experience in conducting such research and the ability to perform search works using the patent fund of the CSTEI of Sumy State University, which currently has more than 1 million 370 thousand units of patent documents and electronic patent databases of Ukraine, Russia and other countries.
- It determines the purpose of patent research or the type of patent search.
- We are determining the subject of the search.
- Determination of the state in whose databases it is necessary to search for information.
- Determination of classification indices.
- We are determining the retrospective nature of the search.
- Selection of the information source.
- I am conducting a patent search by the specialists of the CSTEI on the patent fund of Sumy State University and electronic databases of patent offices of Ukraine and other countries.
- Processing of the selected information
- Systematization and analysis of information
- Preparation of a search certificate
- Preparation of a report on patent research or patent search
Patent research is a systematic scientific analysis of the properties of the business object during its life cycle, which follow from the legal protection of industrial property. (DSTU 3575-97 "Patent research. Basic provisions and procedure").
The purpose of patent research under DSTU 3575-97 is to determine the patent situation on the object of economic activity (OGD). The DSTU 3575-97 standard provides a wide range of works, which conducts patent research:
forecasting, prospective and current planning;
formation of order to executors;
choice of research directions in the case of creation of new and modernization of existing objects of economic activity;
performance of research works;
legal protection of industrial property, etc.
The patent search required for:
determination of patentability;
preparation and application for the industrial property;
review of the latest new products in the area under study;
Search for additional information materials about the OGD;
collecting information about competitors;
solving technical problems in the development of OGD;
Detection of violation of the rights of third parties.
Patentability is a property acquired by the OGD, and its components in case of compliance with the conditions of providing legal protection of the invention, utility model, industrial design and other industrial property objects by the current legislation of the state (DSTU 3575-97).